
Posted On: Sep, 27 2023

Launch of NMB MTN

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This is to inform the general public that the Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA), in discharging its responsibilities conferred upon it under the Capital Markets and Securities Act, Cap 79 of the Laws of Tanzania, has approved the Information Memorandum of NMB Bank Plc for issuance of Multicurrency Medium Term Note Programme (MTN) worth TZS 1,000,000,000,000 (Tanzania Shillings One Trillion). Proceeds of the bond will finance various tranche-specific project categories including green, social and sustainability projects as per the bank’s sustainability bond framework.

The approval of the NMB MTN follows fulfilment of eligibility requirements for issuance of Green, Social and Sustainability Corporate Bond including compliance with the Capital Markets and Securities (Guidelines for issuance of Corporate Bonds); as well as principles and recommendations for issuance of Green, Social and Sustainability Bond prescribed by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). The adequacy of the bank’s Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework has been verified by Sustainalytics, an internationally recognized Second Party Opinion (SPO) provider.

Issuance of the NMB MTN marks an important milestone in the development of capital markets in Tanzania. The bond constitutes the largest thematic corporate bond issuance in Tanzania and Sub Saharan Africa, that would facilitate mobilisation of resources to finance multiple large-scale projects with positive impact on social and economic development in the country. The issuance also contributes towards successful implementation of the 10 years Financial Sector Development Master Plan (2020/21 - 2019/2030) in respect of development of alternative long-term finance in the public and private sectors. The multiple currency structure of the bond will also contribute in addressing challenges of foreign currency in the country by attracting participation of both local and foreign investors.

NMB Bank Plc is listed on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) and is one of the largest commercial banks in Tanzania that raised funds from the public by selling shares by way of Initial Public Offer (IPO).The bank is credit-rated B2 with stable outlook by Moody’s Credit Rating Agency.

The Capital Markets and Securities Authority recognizes the role played by the Sixth-Phase Government under the noble leadership of Her Excellency Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, through supportive and conducive policy, regulatory and operational environment for development of capital markets in Tanzania. The Capital Markets and Securities Authority will continue to equally provide conducive and supportive environment for institutions in the public and private sectors to raise funds through capital markets for financing business and development projects through sale of shares (equity financing); infrastructure bonds; blue bonds; green bonds; and subnational bonds.

Issued by:

CPA. Nicodemus Mkama,

Chief Executive Officer,

Capital Markets and Securities Authority,

6th Floor, Garden Avenue Tower, Ohio and Garden Avenue,

P. O. BOX 75713 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Tel: +255 22 2114959 / 61, Fax: +255 22 2113846,

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