Posted On:
Oct, 09 2023
Invitation to Attend the Award Giving Ceremony of the Capital Market Universities and Higher Learning Institutions Challenge 2022/23
The following students have emerged as the top winners out of 18,738 students who participated in different categories of the Capital Markets Universities and Higher Learning institutions Challenge (CMHLIC) 2022/23. The students are invited to attend before a Panel of Judges and subsequently the Award Giving Ceremony to be held on Thursday 26th October 2023 at the Bank of Tanzania Conference Centre Dar es Salaam.
The students listed below are required to report at 4th Floor, PSSSF Golden Jubilee Tower, Dar es Salaam located at Ohio Street, City Centre in Da es Salaam on Monday 23rd October 2023 from 07:30 hrs for identification and interview before the Panel of Judges. Click to Download List of Winners